purposefully - définition. Qu'est-ce que purposefully
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est purposefully - définition

If an action is purposeless, it does not seem to have a sensible purpose.
Time may also be wasted in purposeless meetings...
Surely my existence cannot be so purposeless?
= senseless, pointless
·Impf & ·p.p. of Purpose.
Exemples de prononciation pour purposefully
1. purposefully.
Navy SEAL’s 10 Fail Safe Principles _ Brent Gleeson _ Talks at Google
2. seemingly purposefully shapeless
3. it's purposefully ambiguous.
A Different Kind of Dating App _ Amanda Bradford _ Talks at Google
4. purposefully and intentionally.
5. through that purposefully.
The Success Equation - Untangling Skill and Luck _ Michael Mauboussin _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour purposefully
1. The dancers walked boldly and purposefully on stage.
2. Neither are they purposefully mean, duplicitous, or manipulative.
3. It‘s not that I purposefully distance myself all the time.
4. Shoulder to shoulder, they strode purposefully in the sunshine.
5. I want the talks to involve Kashmiris purposefully as parties to the dispute.